This page was rushed, and it shows. I wish I'd put more effort into really making Zoranna's library impressive. It should be overstuffed with colorful tomes and arcane bric-a-brac.
Every month I do a fresh pinup based on votes from my Patreon supporters. The theme for March of 2020 was food groups. Luckily Sweets won in a landslide, because my idea for Meats would have been… off-putting. I keep the nude version of all pinups Patreon exclusive for at least a year.
November’s pinup will be inspired by the 1960s. If you want to join in on the fun, head over to my Patreon page. For as little as $1 a month you get all nude versions, a vote on future pinups, and all comics early.
Every month I do a new pinup based on the votes of my Patreon supporters. The theme for last September was Music Genres, and Metal squeaked out a victory. This is the first time I am showing the nude version of this pinup outside of Patreon!
I collected all 12 of last year’s pinups into a digital artbook, and you can get it on Gumroad for only $2! It shows the NSFW and Clean versions of each piece along with a brief write-up about each as well. A bonus zip file containing large JPGs of all NSFW and Clean pinups is included.
More sexy sketches drawn for Patreon supporters. These are always meant to be quick little drawings, but as you can see, I have a tendency to spend too much time on them. Want a sketch of your very own? There are 2 Commission Tier slots currently open on Patreon.
On Patreon I have a Sketch Commission tier where for just $10 a month I draw a (usually dirty) sketch of whatever you want. Starting in November, I will have two slots open! Check out these sketches from a few months ago, and if you are like “Damn! I need me one of those!”, click here.
Me: Here is a fresh batch of Sketch Commissions from Early 2020!
Viewer: Wait, how can they be fresh if they were done months ago?
Me: New to you, ain’t they! 🖕
P.S. All these were done for the fine people that support my Sketch Commission tier on Patreon. Thank you Patreon supporters! You make Live Nude Ghouls possible.