Honk if You’re Horny! This is the Clean Version of my sexy clown pinup for March. It’s my silly take on the old “babe on a hot rod” style pinup. The Nude Version is exclusive to my Patreon.
#85. Just Along for The Ride – A Live Nude Ghouls Short Comic
Jun 23, 2020
#84. XXX-Men Part 9: A Live Nude Ghouls Spoof Comic
Jun 17, 2020
#83. ClamJammer (Swimsuit Edition) – May’s Pinup for Patreon Supporters
Jun 10, 2020
#82. Soup – A Live Nude Ghouls Short Comic
May 27, 2020
#81. Hentai Casting Call – A Live Nude Ghouls Short Comic
May 19, 2020
#80. XXX-Men Part 8: A Live Nude Ghouls Spoof Comic
May 13, 2020
#79. It’s Curtains for You – Mystery Themed Patreon Pinup for April (SFW Version)
May 06, 2020
#78. Big Tipper – Live Nude Ghouls Adult Comics
Apr 29, 2020
#77. XXX-Men Part 7: A Live Nude Ghouls Spoof Comic
Apr 24, 2020
#76. Cuntface – A New Live Nude Ghouls Short Comic
Apr 15, 2020
Another day in the life of Roxy. The last two pages were fun because I got to write some ghouls being assholes! Assholes are always fun to write.
P.S. I am having a website issue, and had to re-upload the previous page in this story.
Honk if You’re Horny! This is the Clean Version of my sexy clown pinup for March. It’s my silly take on the old “babe on a hot rod” style pinup. The Nude Version is exclusive to my Patreon.
This is the nude version of my clown pinup from March 2023. I will also be drawing a clown for this month’s pinup. You can vote on the pose now over on Patreon!
Pinup from last August I never shared here.
The theme for April’s pinup was Music, and Jazz was the genre that received the most votes on Patreon. Now, I don’t consider this a successful pinup. There are things I like about it, and with a little more work it could have been an okay jazz poster or something… But as a pinup? Failure.
May’s pinup is more what you expect from me, and I will be posting the clean version of it shortly.
The theme for March of 2022’s pinup was a genre mashup. Patreon supporters selected 2 genres and my job was to draw a pinup based on their choices. They chose Fantasy and Science Fiction…
This is the nude version. You can find the Miami Vice inspired SFW version here.
Last November’s pinup theme was the 1960s. Sexy hitchhiker seemed like a natural fit. I usually make a dirty version and a clean version, but this one came in dirty and dirtier 🤣
This is my first time sharing the dirtier version outside of Patreon. Join me there to get comics early, get votes on pinups, and get the NSFW versions of my artworks.
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you went to work naked?
Nude version of this gymnast pinup from last year made for Patreon. Voting on this month’s pinup is happening now, and could be a big deal!
Every month I do a pinup for Patreon supporters based on their votes. Last July’s theme was Live Nude Ghouls characters not named Zoranna. It was a tight race, but Jinny the Genie beat out Roxy, Dorothy, and Krissy for the top spot. This is my first time sharing the nude version outside of Patreon.
Last month’s pinup had a similar theme, focusing on secondary characters from LNG. Pigtails won, and I will post the more SFW version here on Friday. The nude version will stay Patreon exclusive until June of 2023.
This is my first time sharing the nude version of the “Sexy Mech Driver” – probably my my least favorite “pinup” from last year. I tend to prefer drawing organic things, so a mech was far outside my comfort zone… and it shows! That said, it was a blast to draw, and I will take another shot at mechs in the future.
If you like my drawings and want to see the nude versions as soon as they are made, join me on Patreon for as little as $1 per month.
This is the nude version of February’s pinup from 2021. One of my favorites from the year.
A new poll went up on Patreon this morning to select the subject for this month’s pinup. Head there to vote!