A Cinderella Tail Part 5

I always liked this page. My goal was to remind readers that Zoranna is evil, without it being obvious to Roxy. Adding some sex in a manner that ends in horror is the icing that makes this a Live Nude Ghouls cake.

The theme for April’s pinup was Music, and Jazz was the genre that received the most votes on Patreon. Now, I don’t consider this a successful pinup. There are things I like about it, and with a little more work it could have been an okay jazz poster or something… But as a pinup? Failure.

May’s pinup is more what you expect from me, and I will be posting the clean version of it shortly.

nude genie, topless

Every month I do a pinup for Patreon supporters based on their votes. Last July’s theme was Live Nude Ghouls characters not named Zoranna. It was a tight race, but Jinny the Genie beat out Roxy, Dorothy, and Krissy for the top spot. This is my first time sharing the nude version outside of Patreon.

Last month’s pinup had a similar theme, focusing on secondary characters from LNG. Pigtails won, and I will post the more SFW version here on Friday. The nude version will stay Patreon exclusive until June of 2023.

This is my first time sharing the nude version of the “Sexy Mech Driver” – probably my my least favorite “pinup” from last year. I tend to prefer drawing organic things, so a mech was far outside my comfort zone… and it shows! That said, it was a blast to draw, and I will take another shot at mechs in the future.

If you like my drawings and want to see the nude versions as soon as they are made, join me on Patreon for as little as $1 per month.