I am currently drawing a XXX-Men spoof comic that takes place within the pages of Live Nude Ghouls. The first two pages are up now for Patreon supporters, but won’t get posted here until the story is complete. Anyway, I drew this artsy take on the XXX version of Phoenix last night. Here is the time lapse of it being drawn in Procreate:
Also, my original Instagram account was disabled. I think it was this image that did it. If you enjoyed following me on that service, I’ve made a new account @lngcomic. The content there will be tamer than here or on twitter, but I appreciate eyeballs any place I get them.
2 thoughts on “XXX-Men – Phoenix”
Khaos WolfKat
What happened to all the earlier comics? I wanted to show someone this comic from teh beginning, but it seems only a year’s worth or so are here now. Am I missing something?
When I moved to the new website, rather than move everything, I decided to keep older story lines as collections available to buy on Gumroad. I have some catching up to do getting all past story lines collected, but that is the plan. I will keep the prices down to only a buck or two for each volume. Thank you very much for reading LiveNudeGhouls!
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