The one in which the villain explains their evil plan... Classic!
It was important to me that Zoranna's motivation for summoning Cxakumloud be relatable, even though it is also a naked grab for power. The Ghouls are being exploited by Madame Lilith. The sanctuary Lilith built is as much a cage as it is a home. Is ending humankind and putting yourself on a seminal throne of carnage a bit of an overreaction? Yes, yes it is., but hopefully you can see how Zoranna feels justified in her own twisted way.
Lilith is similar to Zoranna in that she also feels justified in what she has done. She cares about her Ghouls, and has convinced herself that exploiting them is a small price to pay for keeping them safe... But can she really protect them?
P.S. I really like the angular way Madame Lilith is drawn here.
P.P.S. Check out this month's pinup! I think you'll like it.
2 thoughts on “Something Wicked This Way Cums Part 21”
Joe Fonebone
There’s something Different about the art work.
Artistically, this first story was all over the place. I think I was struggling with my self imposed deadlines, and staying motivated. The next page is an even larger stylistic change where I decided to render it in a more painterly fashion.