Something Wicked This Way Cums Part 18

I like this page because it gives us a brief look at three Ghouls we haven't spent much time with yet, and a sense of their personalities. Over the years we've gotten to know many of our Ghouls, but in the beginning I only had a good grasp on maybe 3 or 4 as fleshed out characters.

  • Zoranna - Calculating, patient and power hungry. The only truly evil Ghoul...
  • Dorothy - Foul mouthed punk who thinks being an asshole is funny, but who also has a soft heart under all her crust.
  • Madame Lilith - Authoritative and convinced she is doing things for a good cause.

Then there was Krissy. With her I wanted to flip people's expectations a bit. She is a centuries old, blood sucking fiend, who somehow maintains a sense of wonder for the world and an air of innocence. She is outgoing, upbeat, curious and unafraid - all traits that people respect, but that when are exhibited together are often derided. Other Ghouls in this comic think she is "ditzy" or dumb. She's not. What she is, is able to find joy and see wonder in things that they cannot.

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