And finally, this little detour into the world of mutants is done! I like making nods to older comics, and the cat girls have shown up a couple of times before. First in this Dirty Hidden Picture, then in the short that got my original Instagram account banned... the clean version at that. They were the perfect choice for getting Krissy through that wall.
I am back on Instagram @lngcomic if you want to follow me, and am a little safer about what I post now.
This arc will soon be collected in a PDF and put it up for Free on Patreon and Gumroad.
I will be going back to doing weekly short comics about Monster Girls now, but next week's post will probably be my finished Pinup for February.
2 thoughts on “XXX-Men Part 15: A Live Nude Ghouls Spoof Comic”
I loved this comic. The ending was a little anti-climatic, but so are real comics. (Sigh)
If you wanna do more of this, I’m game!
Thank you for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed it overall.