What browser are you using? I’ll try to replicate the error.
It’s both Firefox And edge that i’ve tried.
Did a bit of testing and i’m even more confused.
Tried on my mobile (firefox for android) over 4G and got the same error.
I then connected via a VPN (to Japan) and the site suddenly loads the images fine. Turn off the VPN and it breaks again.
So some issue regarding location settings maybe? (i’m in the UK)
It’s definitely region blocking somewhere, tried the VPN set to a few random countries, Japan and USA worked, Any in Europe didn’t.
Weird. Thanks for the information. I will try to replicate it with a VPN and see what I can find out.
10 thoughts on “A.I. Part 11”
Can’t see the last two comics on any browser I try. Seems to be something broke.
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately this happened while I’m out of town. I will take a look as soon as I can.
For example, looking at https://livenudeghouls.com/index.php/comic-tag/roxy/ more than half of the images are not visible.
Strange… I can see everything on my computers. What browser are you using? If anyone else is having this issue, please let me know.
Strange… I can see everything on my computers. What browser are you using? If anyone else is having this issue, please let me know.
It’s not working for a large amount of panels for me. it’s about half the comics all over the website.
same on both Firefox and edge.
If i click on the link to open the image in a new tab, (https://i0.wp.com/livenudeghouls.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/AI-11_big.jpg?ssl=1) i get the text “Sorry, the parameters you provided were not valid” displayed
What browser are you using? I’ll try to replicate the error.
It’s both Firefox And edge that i’ve tried.
Did a bit of testing and i’m even more confused.
Tried on my mobile (firefox for android) over 4G and got the same error.
I then connected via a VPN (to Japan) and the site suddenly loads the images fine. Turn off the VPN and it breaks again.
So some issue regarding location settings maybe? (i’m in the UK)
It’s definitely region blocking somewhere, tried the VPN set to a few random countries, Japan and USA worked, Any in Europe didn’t.
Weird. Thanks for the information. I will try to replicate it with a VPN and see what I can find out.