Tobin’s Guide to Fucking Monsters, Entry 264

This comic was originally published in 2014... I have officially been writing and drawing Live Nude Ghouls FOREVER! Of course, this is a spoof of the Tobin's Guide mentioned in the movie Ghostbusters. I imagined Tobin, having lost himself in the world of the supernatural, wanting to help the world with a cautionary tome about something really important. And so after a lot of field work and research, came his Guide to Fucking Monsters. I have drawn 4 entries of this guide so far, and I will publish them in future re-runs. Any creatures you'd like to see Tobin's take on? Let me know in the comments. P.S. My old Instagram account was disabled for posting a clean version of this comic. ¯_(ツ)_/¯  I made a new account, and you can follow me here:  @lngcomic.

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