In 2015 I drew my first short comic about an Entry from the book Tobin’s Guide to Fucking Monsters. This was done as a goofy homage to the Tobin’s Guide mentioned in Ghostbusters. I have done a small series of these over the years.
A couple of month’s ago I had a related idea: What if I fleshed out the sexual adventures of Ms. Tobin as a series of erotic novellas. That would be cool, right… But I don’t have time for that! So, for May’s pinup we did the next best thing – a Mock Cover.
Now, I am not super happy with how this one turned out. The broad strokes of what I was going for are there, but I didn’t have time to flesh it out. For me it is unfinished, but I figured it was done enough to share. This is the clean version; the naughty version will be Patreon exclusive until next May.