Something Wicked This Way Cums Part 7

I have never made a floor plan for the October House and have only ever hinted at where things are in relation to others. Like any good haunted house, it has corridors that stretch impossibly long, and doors that logically shouldn't exist. Like any good strip club, it is much larger inside than it appears from the outside. That said, since Zoranna's bedroom is a key location in this story, I did make an attempt to stay somewhat consistent with its layout to ground the reader.

It's weird looking back at these older drawings. My eye goes straight to what I see as mistakes, and thoughts dwell on how I would draw or color them now. Occasionally they surprise me with their successes as well. With page 7, the layout does exactly what it needs to - slows the pace down and builds tension. Ending with something near Melvin's point of view, was also a nice touch.


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